Thursday, December 1, 2011

UMNO has never been racist ....

UMNO has never been a racist chauvinist party, that was the gist of Dato' Najib speech delivered this morning in the UMNO general assembly. History proved that UMNO was and still the catalyst of unity and prosperity. Since the first election in 1955, UMNO had invited MCA and MIC to contest as a coalition. There were 52 constituents, with 50 were malay majority and two were chinese majority, yet UMNO contested 35, MCA 15, while MIC two. The coalition won 51 out of 52 constituents, with one seat gone to PAS.

The same formula is applied until now. If UMNO is racist, no MIC seats will be given because there are no areas with Indian majority. If UMNO is racist, there will be no malay majority seats given to MCA, because records has shown that they will definitely lost in most chinese majority area to DAP. All of these are done in the name of unity and tolerance towards other ethnics. So calling UMNO a racist party is totally absurd, misleading and malicious. The racist label should be given to both DAP and PAS.

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