Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Congratulation Mr. Harper

I have always been fascinated with the politics of Canada. In my opinion, Canadian politics is the best example of democracy being practiced in the world. Imagine four parties with different agendas. One of them could win big, but not enough to reach a majority. Even in this situation, none would form a coalition, instead they stick to what they believe to be the best for all Canadians. So the party with the most seats is allowed to form the government, which is called a minority government.

Because the government has no majority, it has to achieve some sort of agreement with one of the oppositions. One of the oppositions would ask the government to implement some of their agendas. So it is up for the government to negotiate to any one of them. Statistically, the minority government would last for 2 years or even less. But Canadian doesn't like frequent elections, so the politicians would have to live with it, since defeating a government in power by calling a motion of no confidence would be seen as an act for self gain rather than for the benefits of the people.

Yesterday, it was reported that the Conservative Party of Canada has finally won a majority (CBC) ... so now they could form a government without any worries. So congratulation Mr. Stephan Harper. Unexpectedly, the second largest party in Canada, the Liberal party won only 34 seats and the Bloq (BQ) won only four seats. Gilles Duceppe lost his seat as well ... is this a signal that the Quebekers are tired of the "seperation" issue. The biggest gainer I guess is the NDP and Mr. Jack Layton is now the Official Opposition leader. Last but not least, the Green Party has finally won a seat.

So Osama is dead ...

Hot in the media currently .... Osama is dead .... who is this Osama anyway? According to wikipedia he was a descendent of a wealthy Saudi clan called Saudi Bin Laden. I first heard about Osama in 1998 when I was studying in the US. During that time, the big issue was the sex scandal of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewensky. So I still remember at that time, my friends and I were guessing that it was some kind of a "Wag the Dog" thing (a diversion). 

Then in Sept 11, 2001, Osama was said to be responsible of attacking the twin tower and other targets. As a result, the US launched an attacked on Afghanistan .... hmmm what the heck, so because of Osama, then Afghanistan was punished. And yes he lived for many years, nearly 10 years after the twin tower incident. So now he is dead, killed by Navy Seals and CIA in Pakistan.

For myself, I am not convinced that Osama really exists and I knew a number of people who share the same thought. Even 10 or 20 years ago there are technologies to reconstruct facial and the entire body. There are also the mass media to popularize the man that they called Osama Bin Laden. The existence of Osama instill fear in the mind of the people, therefore a war is inevitable. So does the technology for war ... the missile guidance, the stealth fighters, the UAV, UUV, optical facial recognition technology, etc .... this means money of course. The Osama story line is just like the Cobra Commander ... although with some alteration ... yes you do need a villain in order to have a hero.

Anyway Osama is dead ... been given a MEGATRON type burial service ... so the world could be a better place now ...

But then as I have just finishing this entry, I saw this picture ... since they said it is on public domain so I paste it here ....

The last time I checked, the current President of the United States is Mr. Barrack Obama. As President he is also the Commander in Chief of the US armed forces .... but why Mr. Obama is sitting on the far end corner of this room???? Funny how the Americans work ... in Malaysia, the boss always sit on the best chair ....